Monday, March 8, 2010

food vs fuel

I was talking to a couple of friends about enjoying your food, as opposed to it just being fuel for the body. They said, I don't eat for enjoyment. I don't mean enjoyment as in entertainment. Should'nt you enjoy what it is you eat? If you only eat to fuel your body and taste and texture don't matter then you could eat stodge and be just as fueled up.

My friend Michael Love is working on general health, wellness and longevity, all are worthy of more study. Michael has invented a few recipes (see his blog proclus) based on the chemical components of nutrients. When researching some of these components I found there are options to ingredients, for instance pepper, everyone thinks black pepper, I suggest trying pink, white or green pepper instead.

Vinegars are not just white, apple cider and rice wine, there are many different vinegars from all over the world, try one, or two, or even a fruit vinegar. Rice vinegar is different than rice wine vinegar, cane vinegar is a nice subtle vinegar, and I have even found a peach vinegar, guess which one I will use to can peaches.

Yes food is fuel for your body, but it should be an enjoyable experience for your tongue and tummy, in fact food should make your tummy smile in anticipation of another bite.